[three locations]
Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Yesterday and Today Print Exhibition
Oct. 10 – 30, 2014
Cincinnati Yesterday and Today Print Exhibition combines selected black-and-white images of the sights of Cincinnati's past by Paul Briol (1909–1955), combined with contemporary pairings of these same sights today, reinterpreted from distinct vantage points by twelve local photographers: Helen Adams, Jymi Bolden, Lisa Britton, Anita Douthat, Maureen France, Cal Kowal, Mark Patsfall, Brad Smith, Tony Walsh, Bryn Weller, J. Miles Wolf and Jay Yocis. All of the images are of iconic Cincinnati locations. Both the historic image and its contemporary counterpart are printed in black and white on the same sheet of archival paper. This exhibition will tour three communities in which related and interactive programming is planned.
Paul Briol was a well known Cincinnati photographer who photographed Cincinnati landmarks from the 1940s through the 1960s. His dramatic and atmospheric compositions captured the city in the mid-twentieth century. The earlier rendered scenes by Mr. Briol and the contemporary pairings provide an interesting counterpoint between the past and the present. His photographs are used courtesy of the Cincinnati History Museum's photographic collection. Curated by Kip Eagan.
The Gallery at Hoffner Lodge (Northside), 4120 Hamilton Avenue | Cincinnati, OH 45223
The Memory Project is a series of special events that will take place at the two partner senior centers. This project uses the Cincinnati Yesterday and Today exhibition as a starting point for stories, poems and remembrances by community members after they hae viewed the photographs.These written words will then be on display along with the exhibition photographs at the Gallery at Hoffner Lodge October 26 through October 30.